Updated 27/08/2013
D for Dalek was one of the relatively easy ones, Less different fabrics and I decided relatively quickly that the letter D would be made of the dark blue ribbon I had lying around. It was a little thin so in some places I did two rows.
Because the dalek has quite a lot of fine detail I decided rather than try to cut certain parts out of cloth - e.g the eye stalk and arms, I would just do them in embroidery.
I'd traced a dalek to make it look right in my design (free hand didn't work too well) so then I set out to try and copy all the details through from the back.
The major colour choices here were about the colour embroidery thread to use.
I didn't entirely use one image to decide but there was some borrowing of ideas from this image

One of the things that immediately got away from me was that although thread can be about the same width as a pen line, it's not so easy to control and so I ended up with two rows of the hemispheres and deciding the rest were hidden by the D. I also ended up simplifying some of the design around the middle and neck and head.
Another part that became obvious was that unless I wanted to choose a very dark grey, I was going to need to outline in part the arms and later the eye stalk in black to make it more obvious against the red and blue. In addition the arm and the eye stalk went across both red and blue which broke them up, so I had to fill in with grey in a way I'd not originally planned.
All in all it came out OK I think. The final shot includes my hand to show you quite how small he his and how hard it is to sew something quite that small.
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