Sunday 11 August 2013

Elvis on tour

I was asked to make a second dark suited Elvis. I made him in a hurry for a short deadline but the requester didn't end up picking him up in time. He's currently in transit to his new home.

There's not much to say about him in terms of making. I had not got much black fabric as I mentioned earlier so he's actually navy coloured not black like the last one.

Third Elvis, nearly finished except for sun glasses and cape and the top of the head is yet to be sewn up

You can also see I tried to do a more regular sparkly pattern as well as less after the requester felt he was a bit "Indian".

Elvis the third complete with sun glasses

Back view of Elvis to show the red cape off
It took a while for the requester to collect the plushie due to a variety of complications. So at one point while it stayed at my parents. During a house tidying session they tidied him away to the model of The Globe I made for GCSE art many moons ago. He also visited the office of the volunteering I did for a week this summer, from whence he went home with the admin officer who has promised to deliver Elvis on to the requestor....eventually.
Elvis plushie visits the Globe (model)
I've now done Elvis three times. I'm not sure I'll do it again. Here they all are :

Photos of all three Elvis plushies in white, black and navy blue

Previously :

The king has left the building ... but er not yet - Elvis in the classic white sparkly suit
Elvis is back - The first stage of making the second Elvis in a black suit
Elvis is leaving the building... again - Final stages of making the second Elvis in a black suit

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