V is for vampire...who likes to count
Original sketch
New sketch
So I had struggled with V the last time round and had overlooked my friend's suggestion from the last time of vampires - the Count from Sesame Street. I had ended up with "violin" - a reference to Sherlock Holmes' instrument of choice. This was a bit of a stretch really as yes, Holmes does play violin but it's not really iconic in the way that say, the sonic screwdriver is for the Doctor.
So I was kindly reminded of this idea again while faffing with the new sketch and so voila! New design with the Count. I confess at this point - entirely traced from the internets but hey! I'm going to be the one sewing it darn it!!
W is for Wonderwoman
Original sketch
New sketch attempt 1
New sketch attempt 2
When I'd originally sketched for the letter W I had not included the W in the sketch, except as it was part of the writing "Wizzard" on the hat, misspelled in the same fashion that Rincewind apparently does on his own hat in Pratchett's stories about him. When I came to combine the hat with the letter W on my new sketch I struggled to fit that hat in such a way that I could clearly write the word Wizzard on it. I had thought of White rabbit but somehow I still felt a bit uncertain about it. Should it go under W for white or R for rabbit?
Combined with the fact I was starting to feel there was an imbalance of women to men on my letters, I decided to go to Wonder Woman, an idea I'd avoided early on because well, comics are not a big thing in her life, even if they have been in mine but...heck. WONDER WOMAN so who cares?
And tadah!
I looked for a reference image for the face and discovered her head band is kind of slightly different in different pictures. But this is the image I liked
X is for ....I don't know
No I am not kidding. I did an original sketch for XBut it turns out X wings from Star Wars are kinda....only vaguely X ish. Specially when you want your X to be more symmetrical from multi directions.

I could overlay one on the other, but it would start to get messy, and I could make it small but it would become too fiddly... So where do I go next? I'm not sure...but I have already sketched some ideas for Y and Z so onwards!
Y is for Yggdrasil
...but then you knew that from my earlier posting.
Original sketch
So I was trying to keep things simply but Yggdrasil is the world tree - at its simplest an Ash tree. Not very complex but then I read the Wikipedia article and the Encyclopaedia Mythica article
and I'm like. Right so symbols related to the tree -
- It has three roots that lead to three sources of water:
- the Well of Wisdom (MĂmisbrunnr)
- the Well of Fate (Urdarbrunnr)
- the Hvergelmir (Roaring Kettle), the source of many rivers
- There is a dragon/snake eating its roots called Nidhogg
- There is a squirrel in its branches called Ratatosk
- Four deer representing the four winds
- an eagle

So what's a girl to do? I can't fit all that in! But but but but.... squirrels! And deer!
Z is for ?Zeus
Original sketch
I did an intial sketch for Z of Zeus - a beardy guy with Lightning. I'm still thinking though as it would push the balance in favour of men over women, and also apart from the lightning, not very thrilling. New sketch is not yet done. I will update you when I've done some more!
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