Saturday 17 August 2013

G[r]eek alphabet : A belated update

Apologies to those of you who were expecting an update and further initial sketches for my Geek/Greek Alphabet. Life intervened. The photos were taken but there were lots of distractions including:
  • a bazillion visits to school assemblies promoting libraries and the summer reading challenge
  • my annual Christian kids camp week's volunteering
    and then...
  • the actual school holiday and helping run the summer reading challenge. 
Plus I suddenly had rather more personal stuff happening and before you knew it, HELLO it's 17 August - a good two months and a half later.

The baby who will eventually get to see this is still yet to arrive and I figure the baby won't really be appreciating this for some time so if it's not ready for its arrival, what're you going to do?

So what am I going to do?

I'm going to continue to add posts about letters, combined with reference pictures from the internets, but for your delectation (or apathy, whichever comes first) I will include two different pictures - the initial sketch and some notes and thoughts alongside the developments....I hope to be sewing very very soon.

Other exciting news

My friends have been to a signing by Neil Gaiman and they are taking one of my Sandman plushies. More news when I have it!

Links to the update posts if you are interested in a specific letter design

A - C
D - F
G - I
J - L
M - O
P - R
S - U
V , W and Y
X and Z (also extra H and extra O design)

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