Saturday 17 August 2013

G[r]eek Alphabet - G to I - high speed redux (updated 18 August)

Right I should really go sleep (yes I know I do do that a lot)
I'm going to quickly just post some images for  G to I (original sketches and some new sketches) and add some links to images I need right now for the letter Y - the world tree Yggdrasil

[[updated with extra info as per 18 August]]

G is for Ghostbusters

Original sketch
Original sketch for geeky letter G for Ghostbusters
New sketch
New sketch for geeky letter G for Ghostbusters

H is for Heracles....and maybe Horus?

Original sketch
Original sketch of Heracles (based on a famous statue of him, part of plans for letter H in geek alphabet
New sketch
New sketch for geeky letter H with Heracles
My original thought was to depict Heracles (the Greek name for Hercules - sorry I'm pro-Greek myths so always call him Heracles) based on a famous marble statue of him - particularly this statue:
The marble statue of Farnese Hercules of the Archaeological Museum of Naples
But when I started working on a new sketch in the right size, I felt I'd rather have him to one side.

What about Horus? Well as I began to sketch my final-ish sketches for the alphabet, I'd got stuck on the letter R and thought of including the symbol for Ra (ancient Egyptian sun god). Like any lazy person out there I googled for the symbol for Ra and came up with this :
Only there's a slight hitch, my Dad has learn ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and this symbol is the eye of HORUS,  which does mean the sun, as Horus is the sky god, but  not actually the symbol for Ra. In fact I think google is mixing up sci fi tv show Stargate's use of the symbol (from the looks of the URL for this image) and the real ancient hieroglyphics.

The actual symbol for Ra is a circle with a dot in the middle

Hieroglyph for Ra - sun god of Ancient Egyptian mythology

Or it can be drawn as circle with a snake round it. So because it is a fun symbol I'm thinking of incorporating the eye of Horus into the letter H, but I'm dithering because I like the layout of the design as it stands

I is for Icarus

Original sketch
Original sketch for geeky letter I for Icarus
New sketch
New sketch for geeky letter I including Icarus

There's no real change here, although I am thinking of changing it slightly when I move to the final version. I want Icarus to be slightly lower down and further away from the edge of the square.

Yggdrasil, considerations and the final designs

As you may guess by my need for reference links and pictures for this, I have not yet finished my designs for the whole alphabet, and I have only got as far as Y.

One of the other things occuring to me is if there is an imbalance of male and females shown. So far I have got the following split

Men :
Odin (O), Heracles (H), Icarus(I), Feegle (F), [Narcissus but only as a daffodil]

Women :
Athena (A), Medusa (M), Red and White Queen (Q), Wonderwoman(W) [Callisto but only as a constellation of stars]

I did have Persephone but I only had her back foot and skirt, something that as you will see has not survived to the final design, and Medusa's face is hidden. The trouble is Persephone is not very distinctive to draw, a woman in Greek style dress is not very special looking. Well with W updated to be wonderwoman and adapting Medusa to show her face I think I feel content about the balance. More on "W" later.

Useful articles on Yggdrasil
Wikipedia article
Encyclopaedia Mythica article
Pretty picture I like
Tattoo design of Yggdrasil

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