J is for Jam
“The rule is, jam tomorrow and jam yesterday-but never jam today""It must come sometime to jam today", Alice objected
"No it can't" said the [White] Queen, "It's jam every other day. Today isn't any other day, you know”
Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
Original sketch
New sketch
I did have one other option for J - Jedi but how does one draw "jedi". I could draw a light saber, I could draw Luke Skywalker, but the concept of "jedi" is hard to put on paper so I had to ignore it both times. I did originally start out with a smaller jam jar but I wanted to write "yesterday" and "tomorrow" on the label so it had to be larger.K is for Kraken
Original sketch
New sketch
Other suggestions were K9 and knight but somehow I didn't fancy them and I liked the idea of the kraken.L is for luggage
Original sketch
New sketch
To be precise the luggage from Terry Pratchett's wizard books. I don't think he's in the non-Rincewind stories but perhaps he is. I did consider Light sabers and Loki as you can see from the original sketch and notes, but the Mum herself asked for luggage when I offered and light sabers are more interesting in film and tv than on a static drawing or collage.
This image also appealed to me

My current plan is to make the lid of the luggage a flap and have a flappy tongue as well.
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