Thursday 26 September 2013

G[r]eek Alphabet : S is for Stars

I have been looking forward to R and S for several reasons. I like how well the design has come out but also because they are EASY. For a given value of easy of course as a friend pointed out. She doesn't think any of them are easy. But if you think of R2, I had to pin and sew the R out of ribbon but R2 was just one piece of felt (no hemming).

For stars we are even more low tech. Like K for Kraken there is only a letter to applique and then it's all in the embroidery and here the embroidery is even simpler. A few stars, a few lines. Yes the S itself is curvy which takes some doing with a straight flat ribbon but basically there isn't a lot. As a bonus I now had an opaque black fabric thanks to a surprise donation from a friend out of nowhere.

Thus there is not much for me to show you for this as I didn't do any early least I thought I'd snapped it with just the S sewn down but I can't find it and to be honest, it's not really much of a before shot.

S for Stars (constellation of Ursa Major or the Plough)

Callisto, Zeus and Ursa Major and Ursa Minor

The constellation depicted on this letter is sometimes called Ursa Major, to go with the constellation Ursa Minor, and sometimes The plough. It also can be used to find the North Star in the sky.

It's another tale of Zeus on his seduction track, with the girl getting transformed this time instead of Zeus. She has a fling with Zeus, gets pregnant but her virginal boss/friend Artemis is mad and turns her into a bear. Later having had her son Arkas, she nearly gets killed by him as he fails to realise she isn't a bear, and to save the situation both are made into starry constellations.

Source : Theoi Callisto : Princess of Arcadia

More info on other names for the same constellation on the wikipedia page The Big Dipper. Funny how the page is named for the name given by white north Americans as opposed to anyone else who has given it a name.

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