Sunday 8 September 2013

G[r]eek Alphabet : H is for Heracles

So yes, I'm that sort of classicist. Heracles not Hercules ;-)

My first decision was that I decided that Heracles got a bit burnty and anyway he was Greek so why would he be all pale? So I got a stronger coloured felt for the flesh. Then I struggled with the colour of the lion. I really wanted this piece of fabric I thought my mum had which was furry. But sadly it has vanished. So I had to choose between some delish yellow satin from a friend or the same orangey stuff as the apple in A and cheshire cat in C. I decided on this finally

But then I needed a fabric for the letter H. I had originally thought of the fake brown leather like for letter A, 
Testing fabrics for letter H together - yellow satin, brown fake leather, brown for skin, pale yellow background

But looking at it together, it goes together almost too well, and wouldn't be distinguishable against Heracles himself.

I then debated a green ribbon which became my final choice.
Testing fabrics for letter H together - yellow orange crinkly for lion, green ribbon, brown for skin, pale yellow background

For this letter I basically made all the pieces, then pinned them into place and started sewing down the top layer first. At this point I found that I should have made more of an overlap for the body behind the H an a right hand side foot. I added an extra bit of felt for the foot and I just had to continuously carefully adjust the ribbon position to keep the exactness of the cutting of the fabric as discreet as possible.

Letter H stage 1 - pinned down fabrics shaped and cut to size, working on lion skin first
For the lion skin that Heracles wears but is mainly here as a modest prop I started out just giving it a mane and some folds.

Letter H sewn down and lion skin sewn down and body sewn down. Head still hidden behind at this point.
Having sewn the H down as well, and the body mostly I realised that as the cutting and layout had ended up, Heracles had more face hidden than my original design called for, which I didn't like. So I undid some of the stitching of the green ribbon to pull the head in front of the H. I then started sewing the hair followed by the eyes and mouth.

The hair colour turned out to be a bit light so I sewed some extra stitches in a darker colour. You can see it here where half the hair has only the light colour and half doesn't

Letter H - most parts sewn down, working on stitching the hair in a second darker colour to make it more clear

Then I realised the lionskin looked a bit undefined so I added in a brown some leg and paw details.
Completed H is for Heracles
And we're done. I'm faintly debating this one as a friend who is not so familiar with Greek myth wasn't sure what was depicted - she wondered if it was Jesus or a wrong colour Hulk!

I'm wondering about including a club but I like the design as is.

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