Monday 4 February 2013

Meaningful acts

My 10 had meant a lot to the friend at the time, who was suffering a bit from badness in her life, so although she had suggested I make all 11 doctors (and then quickly insisted not for her personally), I offered to make her a second one, a companion of her choice. She chose Captain Jack Harkness.

It's a really tough job researching pictures of Jack Harkness you know. I had to study his er... costume for hours!! In all seriousness, this page about Harkness' costume details was really useful when I was struggling to work out what his braces looked like.

Actually I had real trouble getting decent pics of the braces. This was my final source for Jack Harkness costume details

The really fiddly part was deciding on the colour of his coat. We all thought it was blue but it turned out it was more blue grey. We bought some samples, and fortunately the sample that was rather big for a sample turned out to be pretty much the right colour.

The shirt used leftovers from making 11's shirt and the trousers were made from actual cut off bits of actual trouser thanks to a colleague at work who donated some stuff to me.

As I was getting a bit tired even though I was enjoying myself, I was also delighted to find I had just enough brown felt to do the hair in felt rather than the stretchy brown cloth I'd been using previously. I was in for an easy ride!

And I have to say I was not wrong. This was ridiculously easy. Except the stuffing took forever but then, it always does. You would not believe how much stuffing packs in these tiny things. Also innuendo LOTSSSSSSSSSSSS of innuendo.

And the coat was pretty much a dream.
So all I had to do now was wait for black leather scraps from a Loki costume to make the vortex manipulator and the gun holster. I confess I haven't done either yet even though they are going to take about 10 mins to do... I need a break. Plus I got costumes to make for Sci Fi weekender...

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