Saturday 2 February 2013

Finally one for the kids

A friend's daughter all of 4 years old but already hot on Doctor Who thanks to Geeky parents looked in need of a plushie. When asked which Doctor she wanted (she did see some 10th Doctor stuff), she said "The one who eats fish fingers and custard" - awww.

So I jumped at the chance.

Yet again braces were a thing. I debated embroidering or making the bow tie and went with a made one. It was a little less neat but it was way cooler that way.
I didn't really do much to the pattern apart from the bow tie, the main body was two bits again, but then so was Mal. I did alter the fringe a bit, but the main alteration was shortening the coat to a jacket.

I wasn't sure about the jacket but I didn't have tweed the right colour but apparently Mum and daughter were very happy with the results.

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