Tuesday 5 February 2013

So now we're up to speed...

My upcoming list, and this is as good a place as any to keep track is :

  1. Edward Cullen from Twilight - for a friend's daughter in law as a peace offering.
    This one will be tough, not to do technically but because there isn't much that will make it distinctive once it becomes a simplified plushie design. All he'll have is a grey coat, some kind of pale shirt, grey boy trousers, black shoes, dark hair, all very anyone. I'm going to give him absolutely white preferably shiny skin and amber eyes. That is practically all I can do to give a distinct identity.
  2. Clark Kent changing into Superman - for a work colleague friend
    This is totally the next one I'm looking forward to. It's going to be fun. The basic dress is not exciting white shirt, dark trousers, dark hair, but I get to have a big v with the blue and S showing through, probably using embroidery for the "S", and I might make the cloak if I fancy it.
  3. Elvis - for a friend's husband for their anniversary
    He's gotta be in that white suit. Will also embroider on that swirl of hair at the front. He may also have flairs if I can work out how I want to do it.
  4. Sherlock / Cumberbatch - for a friend
    Another tough one. Grey coat, dark trous, light shirt all nondescript. He'll have that curly hair somehow and the blue scarf. That's all I can add in.
  5. Morpheus - for a friend
    This should be stark in colour but fun, mainly for the hair, which I might do in black wool sewn through black cloth
  6. 10th Doctor again - for an acquaintance
  7. Generic request, no details yet.

    I almost feel overwhelmed. And yet again I'm tempted to ask those I don't know too well for payment. But how do you do that? A friend suggested asking for costs of materials. I could do that I suppose. I'll think about it. I may start buying felt and using it more because it's just so much easier than hemming.

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