Thursday 10 October 2013

G[r]eek Alphabet : V is for a certain vampire who likes to count

Definitely a Sesame Street vibe going on here people!

I'll keep the picspam count low this time!
The count from Sesame Street - photo image of the puppet in colour Colouring in image in black and white of the Count, bats and the number 13

The count was gradually built up in layers.

The first layer was the white of his shirt, because I knew it would be coverd by the opera cloak and the edge of the face I sewed it down as part of sewing down the cloak.

V for vampire - sewing down the cloak and white shirt.

I forgot to photograph the middle stage : which was sewing down the collar. Then I sewed down the face and embroidered on the hair and features.
V for vampire. Cloak and now collar sewn down, face being sewn and embroidered

Next stage was the V. The original design had the head on top of this but I'd forgotten and I didn't mind that it didn't happen in the end. The V is two layers : one yellow and one very transparent green. This wasn't actually enough. You can see through the two layers to the shape of the count's shoulders but I don't mind too much because the V is still very clear.
V for Vampire, vampire is complete, V is being sewn down.

With all the details done, one incomplete vampire ah a aaaaa, two incomplete vampires ah a aaaaaaaaaaaa, 3 incomplete vampires ah a aaaaaaaaaaa, FOUR vampires!

V for vampire who likes to count (ah ha ha! - Sesame Street Count)

Thank you to the friend who suggested this, it was a great idea. V was a tough one as I didn't want anything scary like V for Vendetta. Or too obscure like Sherlock Holmes' violin.

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