Friday 4 October 2013

G[r]eek Alphabet : U is for Unicorn

There were a looooooot of pictures in my last post, mostly not of sewing. I guess that's the way the cookie crumbles dear reader.

I will only picspam you once therefore. When I put together the fabric for this design I had this image in my head. It looked a bit like this, only green instead of red:
Red cushion with plants and Unicorn on it, reminiscent of medieval tapestry
Anyway my friend says - that's gonna be waaaaaay hard. Only she hadn't seen the base fabric so she didn't know I didn't have to do the background. Bwahahaha!

Supplies : base fabric, cut out paper templates, sewing thread, embroidery thread and the design and ribbon in white and silver

The curve of the U took quite a few pins but as the unicorn was basically one piece of felt that didn't need many pins. Huzzah! By choosing a transparent silver, I had to double layer it with white underneath or the silver would have dulled on such a dark fabric.

U for Unicorn - pinning on the silver U and the felt unicorn without its horn or tail
I also had to fight with the fact that, as it was such a close colour match I decided to use my silver metallic thread - a thread which is basically thread wrapped in medal. It is very annoying to sew with but I got through it!

U for Unicorn - U sewn down, Unicorn is in place but not sewn down
I had originally planned to use two light yellowy creams for the shading and the tail but despite looking very different on their own, Once I'd sewn them down, they looked identical so I had to switch for a darker colour, but there wasn't much left.
This next picture is me contemplating the last of that embroidery thread in that colour and wondering what I do to match the mane to the tail.

U for Unicorn, U and Unicorn both sewn down, tail part sketched in but not much of that thread colour left uh oh!
But I'm not just a pretty face...or maybe I am not that pretty you don't really know. Anyhoo, I solved by discovering that a pinky colour I'd used for some skin colours was near enough, if a bit pinkier.

Result! I also added in a tiny amount of gold stitching just for decoration into the mane and tail.

It's come out pretty darned alright I think!

U is for Unicorn completed

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