This means I need to decide how to do his face. These shots are the angle I'm thinking about

So there are several aspects I am thinking about. The first is the base for the face. Normally my base material is a pale pinky caucasian colour and obviously Darth is caucasian ish, but he's also kind of not seen the sunlight and ill pale. I'm not sure whether I should go for a basic white. I don't really have anything between pale pinky and white. I had thought about a greeny colour but he's not really green. My current pale pink is not all that strong a colour so it might do.
The other aspect I want to work out is the very panda shadowyness round the eyes. NormallyI'd want to do that with embroidery. I am tempted also to do it with a thin layer of black gauzy fabric but I think this may come out looking odd. I think I will stick to embroidery.
This is also the plan for the scar on the head - probably also embroidery.
Finally I need a reference image for the control panel :

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So this one will have to do, alongside this one

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