Thursday 25 April 2013

10, Tennant, pun intennanted

So the 10th Doctor mark 2 was a significantly different project to the first time I made it. It is, in fact strange to realise that this is the 11th plushie I've made, and that this particular design is where it all began. You can buy the pattern yourself for this one and make one sort of like mine It's by Michelle Coffee on Etsy - 9" Human Plush David Tennant/Castiel PDF pattern.

You can also read my first post on making my first ever plushie in the post "I don't need another blog"

Despite this being the original design I'm afraid that I never leave the pattern completely alone. It may amuse people that despite it being entirely accidental I don't think all of my plushies have eyebrows like the design asks for. I seem to have remembered on the first few and then forgotten.

Cut out pieces of fabric for second 10th doctor plushie

More seriously, rather than applique the shirt part of the suit on TOP of the blue suit as I did with the first one as that was what the original instructions said, I did what I've done in many other plushies since and cut a v out and put the shirt behind, making it lie more like a normal shirt. I also didn't bother with the complicated shape of the tie in the pattern, I just made what is effectively a long strip of red. It looks fine at such a small scale. I also corrected the shoe colour. Tennant wears MAROON shoes with a blue suit, and WHITE shoes with the brown suit.

I have to say hemming every single piece of the jacket does not get any more fun the more I do it. It's enough for me to give up on using non felt or fraying fabrics altogether for the coats/jackets. But I still like the aesthetic of reusing otherwise unusable pieces so I don't know. I never seem to get the length right. Somehow my plushies have longer arms by a long way than the jackets unless I extend the arm lengths. No idea how that happens. I also sometimes have to make the arms skinnier to fit in the jacket.

This particular brown furry material for the hair looks great but is a bit thick and sometimes hard to hem and sew down. Still I kind of like how it looks. It feels hair-like and is quite tolerant at hiding different brown colour threads when I sew it down.

I really enjoyed the cotton of the suit. It was just a really easy fabric to manipulate and really easy to sew. It's left over from Captain Jack.

So there you go, it's finished and on its way very soon.

Completed second attempt at a 10th doctor plushie

For comparison, this is the first one I made

First attempt at 10th Doctor plushie

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