Tuesday 11 February 2014

G[r]eek Alphabet - so long and thanks for all the fish

Amazingly, astoundingly, I am done. The main sewing started in August and has gone on sporadically ever since. I finished the fronts a little while ago but then had to make all the backs and the base. Thankfully my Mum came to the rescue with the hanging and making a pole for it to hang from and machine sewing on the velcro.

But the backs were a little bit of a chore. So in order to get them done I forbade myself from doing much more on the final extra letters until I'd done the backs. The backs after a while were sort of meditative but the sewing through the velcro never really got fun. It's tough stuff, not as tough as fake or real leather but pretty tough all the same. I've had other things to do but I basically entered the home stretch recently and finally in the last week or so I started on the absolute last letter. I finished sewing the back to the front today on that letter and did some extra finishing touches, which I don't want to talk about (they're not all that exciting anyway).

So here it is hanging on the wall of my flat.

All that remains now is to give it to its intended recipient. He's a bit older than I planned - about 5ish months old and he won't be reading for a while but I am really looking forward to giving it to his Mum and Dad for him to enjoy.

Thank you all for your positive comments and thoughts along the way. I'm not sure what big project I'll do again but I'll be sure to let you know. In the mean time there are some plushies. I'm just about to write up a separate post about Doc Emmett Brown from Back to the Future which I finished at the end of January.

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