The biggest different technique I used here was interfacing. I added it to some fabric which was the perfect colour for the denim but was the wrong weight and also very stretchy which is a pain to work with. I also added it to the stretchy face fabric to make my life easier. I'd done a little bit of this for Doc but this time I used it in a big way on the face. It was so great. Only slight problem was forgetting the stretchy fabric might need a cooler iron and ruining some bits by slightly melting them. Oops.
So the main pics I have are some reference pics.
His period outfits are sometimes a bit varied but the most familiar costume is the jeans and blue check shirt with a red bodywarmer/windcheater.

I have to warn you I am not feeling patient so although I made sure I did the right shoes - this photo was so useful for that:

I'm afraid I just couldn't be bothered to do braces this time as in this screen shot

I did give him the red under t shirt though.
I'm taking a rest before Clara although technically I don't have a choice, the nearest I have to a pale peach colour is just not similar enough to Caucasian flesh-tones being more of a bluey pink.
I'll be posting it off soon!