Sunday 10 November 2013

I aten't dead

Alphabet News

Z is for what exactly?

I know what you're thinking, where the frak is the letter Z for Zaphod Beeblebrox and well, you'd be right I haven't posted it yet. Stuff happened and things, things also happened. I reassure you dear reader, I have completed Z. In fact I've completed another of the extra letters. As part of being considerate and maintaining my friend's privacy over her child, I have decided I won't be posting any of those letters up. Although it is doubtful anyone could guess their name and surname just from seeing 3 extra letters I don't wish to run that risk.

Overall project progress

Further news - I've finally got all the velcro I need for the sticking up, and have started working on the attachment. The fuzzy half of the velcro is pinned in place on the backing cloth and my lovely Mum has attached a pole to the top.

I've even started sewing on the first back of a letter. I decided I would die of boredom if I made all the backs at once and then sewed them all on. So I will be making one back at a time and then sewing it on one at a time. This means that the letter A is almost completely done, velcro and all!!!! Wooo!

New plushie on the horizon

So someone asked me to make a new plushie, and not any old's....erm Loki from Thor and Avengers movie.

I'm simultaneously very yay and a bit argh! Panic!

Today I thought I'd start working out what needs to be made and in what colours, and as always I was bemused by costume variants both within movies and between movies.

Clearly he will have a helmet. With horns. Obviously.
But then there's
  • cape/no cape variants
  • armour/no armour
  • two different staves
  • various shoulder pad combinations.

 Obviously my plushie will not be a perfect copy of any of these outfits. I'm not made of magic people!

Currently my plan is :
  • Basic body of plushie will have the tunic that sort of has a v cutout on the front
  • Coat with no sleeves over the top lined with green mid calf length
  • Cape attached to the coat with no sleeves in green

I can't work out if I will be putting the goldy armour on the coat or not but if I don't it will be quite dark. That's partly why I'm doing the cape. He wears a lot of black.

Anyhoo I will be asking my lovely friends who made a full scale femme version of the costume to help out and advise!

Links for reference

Loki cosplay tumblr
Loki cosplay photobucket picture refs

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