Sunday 14 July 2019

A brief flit by - scene 3

I'm not intending to do posts for every individual scene, but unfortunately, I can't work out how to group this one with the ones following it, so I'm going to do a quickie, and then a longer post.

slightly later stage of construction of pregnant Mary to pregnant Elizabeth - body and head is sewn down but no details, waiting to be embroidered on
Early stage of sewing The visitation of pregnant Mary to pregnant Elizabeth - back showing the design guideNumber 3 is "The Visitation"
- the visit of Mary to her cousin Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist. The scene is a sort of tag on to the double header of my angel related scenes.
The last of the preamble stuff before the proper story of the journey of nativity really. (Luke 1:26-38)

 I didn't really have a complex design in mind, and the only thing that changed at all was I had originally designed them both with their hair covered (you can just about see in this pic from the back of an early stage).

Typically European Catholics at least depict Mary with a full covering of her hair, or at the very least a veil. And I just went with that in my first design, but I didn't like it particularly and I wondered if she would really wear her hair covered when with a female cousin. I looked into Jewish customs around hair covering, and it seemed like she wouldn't, so I gave them hair instead. Although apparently one way to cover your hair in some Jewish customs is to cover it with a wig! So maybe it didn't matter.

I like the simple shapes of this scene and how it came out.
Final completed scene, Mary and Elizabeth are depicted with very simple shapes to show their pregnancies with their hair uncovered

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