Monday, 10 June 2013

Initial sketches for letters and searches for reference pictures where necessary

A is for Athena, apples of the Hesperides and A'tuin...if I can find a way to include him. Quite happy with this sketch for starters although I may need parental help for the real one to get Athena a bit more human.
A is for Athena, apples of the Hesperides - Alphabet sketch
B is for books and Big Bird. Definitely going to need a reference picture although not as badly as I originally thought.

Reference picture for Big Bird

C is for Cheshire cat, constellation of Ursa Major, which is what the nymph Callisto became after becoming a bear to escape Zeus. Sorry for the blurry picture. Tried two designs but I want a constellation in it. So I'm sticking with number 1
Sketch for letter C - Cheshire cat and Constellation of Ursa Major - Callisto version 1

Sketch for letter C with just Cheshire cat - version 2, my less favourite design

Picture of Ursa Major - Callisto turned into a starry bear constellation
I've done more but I need some sleep.

Saturday, 8 June 2013

Elvis is leaving the building....again

So Elvis is done. After some dithering about sparkles I ended up adding more.

Elvis plushie complete showing front and back view (no sunglasses yet) 

I also had a debate about adding a cape and decided I would with some friendly support.  Original plan was red lining but there was too much black so it switched to red with black lining.
Hope the customer likes it!

Both versions of Elvis plushie in black and white outfits, both with sunglasses on

Update 09 June 2013 : customer collected yesterday and seems so pleased she wants a second one for another relative!!

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Elvis is back!

Hello first commission with agreement to pay for it!!

She asked for Elvis but in black as a present as white is easy to get grubby.

So I decided I'd do Red and black to make it a little more interesting than black hair and black suit

Then with no sparkly black fabric I started adding on the sparkles I had by hand.

I simultaneously like and don't like how he now looks. And I'm debating if I should remove the sparkles from his waist. Any thoughts people?