Friday, 23 August 2019

Beginnings and babies - 16, 18 and 19

Adam and Eve hiding behind the tree - finished design. Adam and Eve are dark skinned
For now I'm skipping over 15 because it's one of the nativity ones, and I thought these three had a slight thematic link with some randoms interspersed.

From Adam and Eve as first people, to Abraham, founder of the faith, to Moses as baby.

Scene 16 - Adam and Eve had been earlier up the sequence and ended up demoted down the scale to a place that I needed them in the sequence. There's not much to say here about the design. The choice to make them dark skinned is really not specific to them as I wanted all these biblical figures to be nonwhite, moreso here perhaps than with the others. The design is just arranged to be pretty and save me having to work out how to do modest nude people. I did enjoy making the top of the tree 3D though.

Finished scene of Abraham and Sarah against a starry background, not as many stars as their descendants. I only have so much time!

 Scene 18 is Abraham surrounded by stars to reflect the line about  his descendants being like stars.

As I mentioned in the earlier post, I chose to add in Sarah because she helped him have those descendants and is therefore important too. God chooses her as much as him.

Finished design of Moses among the reeds in a basket as a baby
Scene 19 - Moses in the reeds was just an off the cuff quick sketch that kind of worked out small scale. Not much to say about it really. It was very quick and easy to do.